What is a quote? (for travelers)

FlipKey offers a secure payment system, making it easier than ever for travelers to book a vacation home. If you contacted a property owner about a rental, they should answer any questions and respond with a quote. 

The quote confirms your dates of stay and gives you a breakdown of the costs and when payment is due. It also details the rental agreement and cancellation policy. 

If you're happy with the quote all you need to do is accept it and pay online. Simply click the Pay Now button in the email you receive from us, or go to the Manage your booking tab - you'll find this in the top right of our website. Just enter your email address and booking reference (e.g. BR123456) to view and respond to your quote.

If you have any questions about the quote, contact the owner directly by replying to the email from us, or go to Manage your booking and click Send the owner a message.


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What is TripAdvisor Payment Protection?
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