How do I make changes to my booking?

If you paid through our website

You can send a request to change the dates of your booking. Simply open the Manage your holiday booking page and send a message to the owner asking to edit the booking and include your new dates.


What happens next?

If the owner agrees they will send you a change request, you will get an email about the suggested change to review the details in your Manage your holiday booking page. Accept or decline it in 48 hours. If you don’t take action, the request expires and the booking remains unchanged.


Will the price change?

Modifying your dates can sometimes result in a price change, for example, if you extend or reduce your stay, or if you change your booking to high or low season.


If the price stays the same, the suggested changes will only show the new and old dates of the booking. Simply accept for the changes to take effect.

When changes to your booking result in a price increase, we’ll ask you to make an additional payment.


  • You’ve only paid the booking deposit we’ll adjust your balance amount accordingly. If you cancel the booking before you pay the new balance, the cancellation policy will only apply to the deposit amount you originally paid.
  • You’ve paid the full balance - if the new price is higher, you’ll be asked to pay the difference. Once you accept the booking change, we’ll let you know the due date for your new balance. You’ll then have up to 96 hours to make the additional payment. 

If the new price is lower than the original amount, we’ll issue you a refund for the difference once you have accepted the booking change.


If you paid the owner directly

Please contact the owner to make any changes to your booking.



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