Why are some rentals being featured in TripAdvisor hotel searches?

In response to feedback from our traveler community, TripAdvisor hotel and accommodation search results for selected destinations will now feature vacation rental listings. Travelers are increasingly asking for greater variety of accommodation choice and vacation homes offer exactly that.
As a result of this change, the Hotels tab on the TripAdvisor site will now say “Hotels and Places to Stay. The existing Vacation Rentals tab will remain as it is now.

Will all vacation rentals appear in TripAdvisor’s Hotels and Places to Stay search results?

To begin with, we’re only including Instant Book-enabled vacation rentals in destinations which offer travelers a limited range of hotels and other accommodation options.

I’d like my listing(s) to appear in the Hotel and Places to Stay search – what can I do?

If you’ve already set up Instant Book and your listing is based in one of the locations identified for the initial phase of this feature, our vacation rentals algorithm will consider your listing for inclusion in the Hotels and Places to Stay search. You don’t need to do anything else.

If my property appears in Hotels and Places to Stay search results, will it still appear in Vacation Rentals search results?

Yes. Your listing’s inclusion in Hotels and Places to Stay searches will have no impact on its visibility in Vacation Rentals search results. Travelers will be able to book your rental in exactly the same way as before.
All bookings will still come into your owner center, and you’ll continue to manage your listings exactly as you do now.

How will I know if my property appears in Hotels and Places to Stay?

We’ll be emailing owners and managers with properties in the locations that have been selected to let them know about the changes.

What can I do to increase the chances of my property appearing in the Hotels and Places to Stay search?

Only properties with Instant Book set up can feature in these search results. To enable Instant Book, update your settings in the owner center (please note that not all owners are eligible for Instant Book - you can find out more here).

I’m a property manager with rentals in different destinations. Why is it that some of my properties appear in the Hotels and Places to Stay search, but others don’t?

To begin with, vacation rentals are only featuring in pre-selected locations with limited accommodation options. It may be that some of your properties are located in these areas while others are not.

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